Grandmaster's Rant: Fri 5/25/07
Greetings on this fine summery night.
It's a Reading Hash weekend as BIGRIG. DEATHWISH & JELLO hare their "Take This Job & Shove It" hash on Sunday May 27th at 2PM. Celebrate the end of 11 1/2 years of BIGRIG hauling asses and many moons of JELLO enslaved in corporate America. DEATHWISH is just there to lay trail and BBQ chicken. And to spread his version of warmth and charm of course.
The ONON is at BIGRIGs abode in Morgantown:
One day before that, tomorrow, is Lehigh Valley's MAYFAIR HASH. In spite of the gay name of this hash it is sure to be a good time. A couple of us will be heading up for the festivities.
Other matters:
The next hash after this weekend is the 3rd Anal RH3-LVH3 Interhash. This year its in Kutztown. This is always a blast. No karaoke this time but plenty of golden nectar. Details on the website. Please try to attend as they will definitely bring a herd of hashers and we dont want to look all ate up and give F NANA any additional inspiration about our mythicalness.
Hares: HARE ARE NEEDED! June is covered. Three RH3 hashes in July between the INDEPENDENCE DAY HASH we still have 2 dates that need hares. Same deal for August. The POWER OF THE POOHSAY campout is 11-12Aug07 and then two open dates just waiting for hares.
Virgins. Bring a virgin or three. The hardest part of recruiting new boots is just getting them out for their first time. They have all heard that we are drunks and that the apres' are huge orgies of people swilling beer and in kilts. Bring them to the hash so they can see that this is only partially true.
Wednesday June 6th. Social. The Tilted Kilt in Mt Joy. You know what to wear. Don't have one? Plenty of time to hit up Seamus at Sportkilt and have yours here by then! This is a gathering.
PA Interhash: We met with J-WALKER a few weeks ago and the hotel list continues to be narrowed down. We will hopefully be locked into a place and have a date soon. When that is done we will start the PR and release the logo. At that point we will start asking for help with specific projects. Hopefully Reading doesn't suddenly solve its crime problem by the Autumn of 08 as we are going with some form of Crime & Punishment theme.
Drink Reading Beer. Thats just my personal opinion but its a damned shame that we have our own beer back and most people refuse to try and drink it.
I finally got the cast off the other week. It had been about 11 weeks. No wonder it hurt so freaking bad when I was laying in the snow in February.
Possible roadtrip to Hockessin next Wed. Let me know if you wanna go.
Greetings on this fine summery night.
It's a Reading Hash weekend as BIGRIG. DEATHWISH & JELLO hare their "Take This Job & Shove It" hash on Sunday May 27th at 2PM. Celebrate the end of 11 1/2 years of BIGRIG hauling asses and many moons of JELLO enslaved in corporate America. DEATHWISH is just there to lay trail and BBQ chicken. And to spread his version of warmth and charm of course.
The ONON is at BIGRIGs abode in Morgantown:
One day before that, tomorrow, is Lehigh Valley's MAYFAIR HASH. In spite of the gay name of this hash it is sure to be a good time. A couple of us will be heading up for the festivities.
Other matters:
The next hash after this weekend is the 3rd Anal RH3-LVH3 Interhash. This year its in Kutztown. This is always a blast. No karaoke this time but plenty of golden nectar. Details on the website. Please try to attend as they will definitely bring a herd of hashers and we dont want to look all ate up and give F NANA any additional inspiration about our mythicalness.
Hares: HARE ARE NEEDED! June is covered. Three RH3 hashes in July between the INDEPENDENCE DAY HASH we still have 2 dates that need hares. Same deal for August. The POWER OF THE POOHSAY campout is 11-12Aug07 and then two open dates just waiting for hares.
Virgins. Bring a virgin or three. The hardest part of recruiting new boots is just getting them out for their first time. They have all heard that we are drunks and that the apres' are huge orgies of people swilling beer and in kilts. Bring them to the hash so they can see that this is only partially true.
Wednesday June 6th. Social. The Tilted Kilt in Mt Joy. You know what to wear. Don't have one? Plenty of time to hit up Seamus at Sportkilt and have yours here by then! This is a gathering.
PA Interhash: We met with J-WALKER a few weeks ago and the hotel list continues to be narrowed down. We will hopefully be locked into a place and have a date soon. When that is done we will start the PR and release the logo. At that point we will start asking for help with specific projects. Hopefully Reading doesn't suddenly solve its crime problem by the Autumn of 08 as we are going with some form of Crime & Punishment theme.
Drink Reading Beer. Thats just my personal opinion but its a damned shame that we have our own beer back and most people refuse to try and drink it.
I finally got the cast off the other week. It had been about 11 weeks. No wonder it hurt so freaking bad when I was laying in the snow in February.
Possible roadtrip to Hockessin next Wed. Let me know if you wanna go.