50 Trails Of Blogging

A haphazard blog of my time as Grandmaster of the Reading (PA) Hash House Harriers

Location: PA's Most Dangerous City, United States

I am the Grandmaster of the Reading HHH. When I can dump this albatross onto someone else hopefully they can keep blogging.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Winding Down

It seems like yesterday that I accepted the helm of the ship of fools known as the Reading Hash House Harriers.

At that time it seemed like I had forever to accomplish the things I wanted to. That idea was as foolish applied to my Grandmastership as it is applied to life itself. Time flies by. Ask any old person on their death bed and many will question where their life has gone.

My two years has flown by and I have completed some of my goals and others have been unaccomplished. The main uncompleted goal was to grow the hash and have consistent numbers.

While consistent numbers WOULD be a good thing as it makes the hares job a lot easier, I have accepted that we do not have to have large numbers to have a great hash. Some of our best trails have been ones that had only a handful of people in attendance.

The last hash that a GM hares has always been a shindig - a large affair that sometimes has lasted all weekend. After the 600th campout (a great time) found only 1 or 2 Reading hashers staying while the other 20 were out of towners, I decided that mine would be a smaller affair.

The 700th (Sat May 31st 2008) is basically going to be a regular hash with the 2nd Rubber Duckie Regatta and a fun apres. No regos other than just send me an email if you can so i can plan the food. Im saving my energy for the AGM and the summer and the PA INTERHASH.

I am excited for the new GM to come into office and apply a fresh energy. Its time.


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