Drama, PA Interhash, DC Red Dress 2007
When I was e'rected to the esteemed position of GRANDMASTER my eyes filled with tears - tears of joy at being given the reigns of one of the bestest kennels in the world as well as knowing that I would get to do a bunch of "when one Grandmaster drinks, allllllll Grandmasters drink" down downs.
Pure bliss.
I had to attend a secret meeting with all the former Reading GMs. It was held in a secret underground location where torches burned from their positions on the rocky walls. The agenda was a secret and secrecy abounded. I was told the wisdom of the ages ( and this collection of past GMs has some freaking age ).
One thing that nobody prepared me for was hash drama.
I strongly believe that the RH3 should be a kennel where everyone (except maybe poofters) is welcomed and given an equal chance to make fools of themselves.
What happens at the hash, stays at the hash.
Then the drama started. Bimbo drama mostly. Most of it blown way out of proportion or just simply evolving from utter falsities.
Then some piece of shit steals the hash cash at FESTER's. Then big drama happens at a hash and that BS could have resulted in charges and some folks losing their livelihoods.
Sometimes my email fills up with drama. I try to stay out of what I can but when I do have to get involved I try my utter best to address both sides fairly. Often there is no clear right or wrong and I just don't know what to say so I rule as to what is best for the Reading Hash.
We all need to do what is best not for ourselves but for the RH3. I once even got caught up in a smigeon of drama and wish I hadn't because the fallout was not in the best interest of our hash. It can happen to anyone.
So, I am closing this part by asking you this:
- Before you talk behind someone's back - ask that person face to face
- Before you screw someone else's bimbo, wanker, sister or mother - ask them if its OK
- Before you commit a crime - ask yourself if you would do the same thing if you werent't hashing
- Don't steal the hash cash. There is a special corner of hasher Hell for someone who would do that. The same applies to drybags, thongs, beer, etc
- Honor the edict - What happens at the hash, stays at the hash
I guess that is enough of that.
PA InterHash 2008.
J-WALKER is diligently working with our two main possibility hotels in Reading. One is changing chain names and the other is putzing around for a different reason.
Obviously the first step is to book a date and location so we can start publicizing that we are the host kennel for PA INTERHASH 2008 (autumn).
When we have a date we will start gathering volunteers from here and kennels across PA - people to coordinate everything from registration to transportation to trails.
This is gonna be a kickass time even if the crime rate continues to fall in Reading. Stay tuned.
DC Red Dress Run 2007.
As of now this hash is over 50% soldout.
We have three Readingites going so far: OE, BLAWB, DONALD FRUMP.
If you havent been to this - u should go. Its beyond words as far as the degree of fun you can have over these three days.
Even if you THINK you can go - sign up. YOu can always sell your rego later as there will be hordes of beggers. Procrastiners turned beggers.
Thanks to all the hares who have stepped up. We are looking good through the next few months.
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