50 Trails Of Blogging

A haphazard blog of my time as Grandmaster of the Reading (PA) Hash House Harriers

Location: PA's Most Dangerous City, United States

I am the Grandmaster of the Reading HHH. When I can dump this albatross onto someone else hopefully they can keep blogging.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

DC Red Dress Run 2007

The DC Red Dress Run is one of those hash events that is hard to describe unless you have been there and done that.

By themselves, the pieces of the weekend are not that stellar - a Friday night lingerie hash and party, Saturday Red Dress and Sunday Fat Boy.

But combine them with the atmosphere of DC and something incredible happens - the days turn into a weekend that is beyond words.

This is a hash weekend that you simply must do at least once in your hashing career.

RH3 has a lot of newer hashers who have expresssed interest in doing this weekend so the goal is to book a block of rooms at the Hotel Harrington and make a strong showing for Reading.

Here is the catch - they cap the regos at 500 and they go FAST! So, sign up NOW. If it turns out you CANT go there will be zillions of people who will want to buy your rego down the road.

Here is the info:

Posted by: "DC Red Dress" dcreddress@gmail.com dc_red_dress
Tue Jul 17, 2007 2:54 pm (PST)
For these wishing to register online (Active.com fees apply) the onlineregistration is open!
http://www.active.com/event_detail.cfm?event_id=1468259For those wishing to save a few dollars a registration form will be postedto the web site shortly.Once again there is a 500 person cap. Capping the event is not done toexclude anyway, it is simply a tool to manage costs and arrange venues,and keep your MM out of debtors prison. If you sign up early, the cap won'tbe an issue. Sign up by Aug 15th for the low low rate of $60, it jumps to$75 after that date.Looking forward to seeing you all on trail!,DC Area RDR MM

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

The Pissup Is Over

It is midnite and JUSTDEESNYDER and I were the last ones to leave Champions ( well, excluding the hammered virgin bimbo in the parking lot waiting on a cab).

A good time was had by all.

It was especially nice meeting long-ago RH3 bim ROSIE RUIZ (or something like that). Wow, what a hot bimbo.

Barmaid duties were nailed by the ever lovely ANNAMAE.

See you in 5hrs in Mt Penn.

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

READING BEER: Website, Bottles

FINALLY.... the folks at the Reading Brewing Company have turned on their new website.
The former one was a COMPLETE dog and almost shameful for accompanying the launch of their esteemed beer.

The new site is pretty and useful. MUCH better.

Also, the READING EAGLE announced that bottling of 12oz Readings has begun. Mmmm, a cold Reading in a glass bottle - just like the old days when I used to sneak them from my grandfather's fridge.