50 Trails Of Blogging

A haphazard blog of my time as Grandmaster of the Reading (PA) Hash House Harriers

Location: PA's Most Dangerous City, United States

I am the Grandmaster of the Reading HHH. When I can dump this albatross onto someone else hopefully they can keep blogging.

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Sanjaya Is A Weirdo But I Want Him To Win

American Idol is the cheesiest show on TV and more canned than pro wrestling.

I want that sexy lil freak Gina to win. But now that the "vote for the worst" movement is in full swing I want Sanjaya to win . His victory will upset all the people who take this show WAY too seriously.

Last night I have Gina 20 votes and was well on the way to casting 100 for Mangina when I fell asleep at 77.

I think I was daydreaming about Gina's tongue ring when i did.

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