50 Trails Of Blogging

A haphazard blog of my time as Grandmaster of the Reading (PA) Hash House Harriers

Location: PA's Most Dangerous City, United States

I am the Grandmaster of the Reading HHH. When I can dump this albatross onto someone else hopefully they can keep blogging.

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Our Hash Pig Has Grown Up

As our kennel has just turned 22 I thought it was time our old hash pig had a makeover.

He wasn't in too bad of a shape for his age but nobody had ever seen more than the top of his body.

A few days and a few dollars later and an artist somewhere out in Central USA had created the new RH3 pig. Wearing the classic RH3 shirt and Oakleys, tattooed with a image of the Pagoda, and ripped up from shiggy - this guy is able to run trail and slam Lagers with the best of them.

I hope you like him - you will be seeing more of him.



11,236 Hits To The Website

Wow, we have 11,236 hit to www.readinghash.com

That is a LOT.

9,875 are from cops but still - that is a lot of people who have looked at the "new" website.

I am asking ALL of our wankers to identify people who would make good RH3 hasher and coerce, I mean, ASK them to come out and try hashing.

Most people who come to Reading HHH return but the hardest part is just getting virgins past their initial fear and trepidation.

We are ALL responsible for the future of this great organization!

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

GM Rant #5: Upcoming Hashes, MILK DUDS Named

Greetings Fellow Readingites!

The best hashing season of the year seems to be upon us and its time for YOU to get out and hash.

There are all sorts of good things in the pipeline too.

First, JUSTLENORA was named on Monday. Because of her part-time job milking cows and her familial trait of a lack of breasticular abundance she will forever more be known as MILK DUDS.

This Saturday (16th) offers TWO special hashing events: The Philly 1500th and the Lehigh Valley 2nd Anniversary. Both are worthy of your time and money.

Friday the 22nd is a momentous occasion of our own - the 21st birthday of the Reading Hash. Yes, its hard to believe that we have lived long enough to finally be legal to drink but its true. ONON is where is was and always is. DECOY is your hare and full info is on the hash schedule page. Show your f'ing respect to your home hash and get out!

PA INTERHASH is the 29th,30th & October 1st. We have a pathetic FOUR wanks signed up. There are now special ONE DAY rates (listed on the hash schedule). EVERYDAY, A.N.G.E.L. (I may be forgetting someone) are laying the main trail on Saturday. This only happens every 2yrs and its a blast. We will be hosting in 2008.

There will NOT be a RH3 trail on Sunday October 1st or Monday the 2nd because of the PAIH.

I wont mention DC RDR as its full but A.N.G.E.L. and other are laying a hayride hash on Friday October 6th. This will probably be under the H5 banner but somewhere in our area.

The next regular trail is Sunday October 15th. A HARE IS NEEDED!!

DECOY & PULLS OUT EARLY are haring Sunday October 22nd at Blue Marsh. I have an army weekend so I will miss this one (its out of synch with our regular schedule) so I am hoping a hare steps up for the weekend prior. If not, this one will become the 2nd and not the 3rd. THREE hashes in October is a good thing so hopefully one will.

One week later ( Sunday Oct 29th ) is our annual HALLOWEEN COSTUMED HASH. It will be a pub crawl theme and the bimbos have plenty of time to put together their ho/cheerleader/schoolgirl get ups.

November follows and a hare is needed for the 12th.

The HASH SCHEDULE has all the info you will need.

Most sincerely,
GM #14

Friday, September 01, 2006

Hashing Is Not For Pussies


First, the DC RED DRESS RUN is closed. The 425 regos sold like hotcakes. If you get a burst of energy and decide you want to go there will be a webpage for buying and selling of existing registrations.

The other big event that is fast approaching is the PA INTERHASH. Sadly, we only have 3 or 4 Reading hashers signed up. Thats pretty pathetic considering it is right up the road (and the Saturday main trail is being laid locally by EVERYDAY and crew). And, we are the hosts of the 2008 PAIH so it makes us look extra lame for not having more in attendance.

The last PAIH was an awesome time. Granted New Cumberland isnt Warren but it will still be a hoot. You get to meet hashers from all over PA, drink beer, eat, dance and have a good time without having to drive very far at all. If you can go you will not regret it- www.painterhash.com

This afternoon I stopped at Lowe's. Ernesto's very leading edge was just starting to cause a light drizzle to fall. It was so light that you would have had to stand outside for sometime before you even felt moisture through a shirt.

I look up and see this guy entering the store under the protection of an umbrella. A freaking umbrella! Like he is made of sugar and the 25ft walk would cause him to melt.

The old lady also has an umbrella but she is old. She probably shivers violently from cold in the middle of the summer. The guy on the other hand wasn't old and probably wasn't made of sugar so he is just a poofter.

I have posted before and mentioned some people who would make good hashers. This guy is not one of them.

We need new boots to grow our beloved RH3. If every hasher, even every active hasher, would bring even one virgin we would quickly have a really solid base of idjits.

Think of people you know who have some of the following traits: fun-loving, crazy, beer-drinking, outdoorsy, outgoing and of course, good looking bimbos. Tell them about our kennel and invite them to an upcoming trail.

The responsibility to build our hash falls on everyone. The next trail is the 9/11 Remembrance Hash on 9/11/06. This one would be a good trail for a virgin. Hope to see you then!
