Grandmaster's Rambling #5 - DC Red Dress Run

Greetings! Two years ago the Washington DC Red Dress Run was capped at 1000 people. They had 900 or so idiots in red dresses register.
Last year, it was capped at 500 and sold out.
This year, October 7th,2006, the max is 425 and over 150 are already gone.
Simply stated - the DC RDR is one of the most fun hash weekends you will ever have. Attend some or all of it but no matter how much of the weekend you experience you will have a blast!
Friday night is the infamous Lingerie Hash. Yes, they actually run a real trail through DC on a Friday night in lingerie. Personally, I just pay and goto the venue. Less sweat, more beer. I have seen some crazy hash things at these Friday night shindigs.
Saturday is the main event. The gathering of the red-clad wonders for an always-unpredictable trail that almost always leaves 100s of tourists scratching their heads in amaze ment. The trail is always fantastic, the beer delicious and good food and a band afterward. The 2005 trail outdid itself with all-night madness at some secret society building somewhere in DC. All I can say is that when I somehow found my way back to the hotel I was carrying a big bag of Indian/Pakistani food that I had little memory of buying.
Sunday morning brings the Mimosas and Bloody Marys as a peaceful walk takes place. This Fat Boy trail is the way they should be after a long hash day prior - slow and steady.
There are always regular hashes Thursday and Sunday afternoon.
I would love to have a herd of Reading Hashers go down. Please check your schedules and if you are interested sign up at They are serious when they say 425 means 425. Also, the tshirt last year was great. You MUST preorder them as they had almost no extras to sell.
ONON to FART's Dead Dog Hash this Saturday....