50 Trails Of Blogging

A haphazard blog of my time as Grandmaster of the Reading (PA) Hash House Harriers

Location: PA's Most Dangerous City, United States

I am the Grandmaster of the Reading HHH. When I can dump this albatross onto someone else hopefully they can keep blogging.

Monday, February 11, 2008

PA INTERHASH: Reading Beer, Things Moving Along!



Just back from a meeting with Scott Baver (Reading Beer) and J-WALKER (PAIH Guru) and I am happy to announce that we have found a kindred spirit.

Reading Beer is fully onboard as the official beer of the PA INTERHASH 2008. Scott has some great ideas and his support and input will be in invaluable.

Details will be upcoming.

Get your rego in now. http://www.painterhash.com/